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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

White Towel-Gold-Silver!

Wrap yourself in a white towel including your hair.  This will now help you decide if your color preferences are more cool or warm. The white backdrop makes your skin show more pink or yellow tones.  Pink meaning cool and yellow meaning warm.

Now go and get some of your gold and silver jewelry.  Hold both up to your face and see which color seems to accent your color.  That will decide which color tone jewelry will look best on you.  Not to say you can't wear both gold and silver, but one will always look better on you.

Ok, now go out into the sunlight and check out the backside of your lower arm.  Are your veins more blue/purple=cool; yellow/green=warm.

Now you can feel more confident in knowing which color family is your best.  If you are cool tone, you will best in pinkish,cranberry, plum tone lip colors and blush. If you are warm tone, you will best in peach,orange,brown tone lip colors and blush.

And you thought you needed a professional to show which colors look best!!!

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