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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Beauty from the Inside Out"

Let's start out by knowing what to eat to have the skin and hair that we all want.
OK, we all know we are what we eat.  Well did you ever think that means your skin shows what you eat?  Well it does! So here is some interesting information on some "Beautifying Foods"!

1.  Salmon + other cold-water fish=Great Skin and Great Hair. So if you want great skin and great hair, add some salmon and fish to your diet.  And I don't mean the kind in a can!
2.  Spinach, Broccoli, Swiss Chard=Vitamins A&C. 
3.  Legumes, Kidney Beans, Lentils=promotes hair growth
4.  Brazil Nuts, Walnuts, Cashews, Pecans, and Almonds=healthy scalp
5.  Avocado=healthy, glowing skin
6.  Cocoa=now we are talking - protects your skin from sun damage and makes skin look and feel smoother.
7.  Fruits, Vegetables=younger and more radiant skin
8.  Water=healthy, glowing skin

Have you all gotten the picture?  Now that you know what to eat, get ready for some skin that is going to glow like a neon sign.
Now let's go the frig and look for something healthy to eat.  Come'on I know you can do it.  Let's see I am going to get an orange - how about you???

Join me again from the "Beauty Soapbox"!

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